About Us

Rediscover Africa through the eyes of those who wander its vast and vibrant landscapes


The African Geographic Society (AGS) is dedicated to rekindling Africa’s legacy of exploration through the eyes and experiences of its own people. AGS seeks to redefine geographic research across Africa by championing African-led exploration that brings an intimate and authentic perspective to the study of the continent’s landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Africans have a rich but largely untold history as explorers and navigators of their homeland, yet these stories are often absent from mainstream narratives. AGS aims to restore this legacy, fostering a renewed curiosity about Africa’s past, present, and future by supporting African explorers who are uniquely equipped to narrate and navigate the continent with unparalleled insight.

Through initiatives that empower local explorers, AGS plays a vital role in inspiring pride and identity among African youth while promoting sustainable development within communities. By highlighting the achievements of African explorers, AGS not only champions the preservation of Africa’s natural and cultural heritage but also drives economic development through responsible tourism initiatives that directly benefit local economies. The society envisions a future where African explorers serve as powerful role models, motivating younger generations to pursue careers in fields that contribute to Africa’s geographic and scientific advancement. At its core, AGS believes that local knowledge and expertise are invaluable to the continent’s growth, sustainability, and future, placing African-led exploration at the heart of Africa’s development aspirations.


AGS’s vision is a thriving Africa where the richness of its natural and cultural heritage is rediscovered, celebrated and safeguarded by Africans themselves. We aspire to be a leading voice in championing the responsible stewardship and intellectual property of Africa’s resources as well as fostering Africa led and driven collective community which is committed to the continent’s conservation and sustainable development.


The African Geographic Society is dedicated to promoting the understanding, conservation, and sustainable development of Africa’s diverse natural and cultural heritage of the continent by Africans themselves. Through scientific and geographical exploration, research, education, and advocacy, AGS strives to foster a deeper appreciation for the continent’s unique ecosystems, wildlife, and cultures, and to inspire action and drive solutions to protect and preserve them for future generations.